How do I buy or claim A+ Rewards Vouchers in GCash?
A+ Rewards lets Fully Verified GCash users claim free vouchers or buy discount vouchers for restaurants, stores, mobile games, e-commerce, and digital subscriptions, offering exclusive deals from global partners led by Ant Group.
How to Claim or Buy A+ Rewards Vouchers:
- On the GCash homepage, tap A+ Rewards
- Browse through voucher categories
- Select your preferred voucher and tap Buy Now or Claim Now to redeem it
- If purchasing, you’ll be redirected to confirm your payment
- View your vouchers by tapping My Rewards or Vouchers on the A+ Rewards homepage
If you're unable to redeem vouchers or encounter payment issues, contact A+ Rewards customer care directly. Here’s how:
- Go to My Rewards on the A+ Rewards homepage
- Tap the headset icon on the upper-right corner
- Browse articles, chat, or submit a ticket for assistance
Need more Help?
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