My GLife voucher is not working. What do I do?
GLife vouchers are special discounts or offers that you can use when availing services from participating merchants within GLife. If your GLife voucher is not working, here are a few possible reasons and steps to resolve the issue:
Check the terms and conditions
Ensure the merchant you’re transacting with is eligible for the voucher. Some vouchers are valid only for specific merchants, products categories, or services. -
Ensure the minimum spend requirement is met
Verify if your total purchase meets the minimum spend required to use the voucher. This information is usually included in the voucher details. -
Confirm the voucher is still valid
Double-check the expiration date of your voucher. Expired vouchers cannot be redeemed.
If you’ve confirmed all the details and still experience issues, click here to ask for help. A customer service representative will contact you in 24 hours.
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