How do I find freelancers for my project on Raket Marketplace?
Gigs by Raket is a feature within the Raket Marketplace in GCash that connects you with skilled Filipino freelancers for your project. Gigs by Raket offers various services such as graphic design, writing, encoding, and other specialized tasks. Here’s everything you need to know:
How to find or hire a freelancer from the Raket Marketplace:
- On the GCash app, tap View All Services > Gigs
- Search and tap on the service you want to avail
- Read through the details of the service and select Buy Now
- Review ‘Raket Payment Protection.’ Tap the tick box and select Buy Now
- Confirm your payment and tap Agree and Pay
- Select Pay
You will be led to a page confirming your successful service payment.
The time required for order completion depends on the freelancer. Use the chatbox to communicate with the freelancer regarding project updates or concerns.
How Payments Work:
- GCash is the only accepted mode of payment. Payment is made in advance and held as a bond until the service is completed.
- Freelancers are paid only after the service is marked as complete.
- If the client does not mark the service as complete for 3 days after the freelancer marks it as complete, the payment will automatically be released to the freelancer.
How to Cancel a Service:
If you need to cancel a service, follow these steps:
- From your ‘Raket’ Menu Bar, tap Projects and Orders
- Select the service you want to cancel
- Tap Cancel Order
The freelancer must approve the cancellation request. Once approved, the refund will be credited back to your GCash wallet every Friday at 6:00 pm.
Note: Freelancers and clients are encouraged to settle disputes directly before contacting Raket support.
Need more Help?
For other inquiries or concerns, check out the following articles: